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Whats Your Best Advice You Got When You Started Dota?


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Title says it all people! I understand their are some new people in the Dota 2 division, so why not start a thread of some advice you got that helped you out ALOT!? Heck guys, ill even start! :)


DO NOT auto attack creeps and learn to stutter step (although for beginners don't worry about stutter stepping)


Reason why not to auto attack?

1) You lower your chance of striking the killing blow to a creep thous receiving less creep gold.

2) You will push the lane out of your favor, making it easier for the opponent to hit/deny creeps.

3) Positioning can become more difficult when the lane is out of your favor.

4) I will prob cry because its the simplest mechanic that will improve your game play exponentially.

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One of the most important things, CARRY A TP SCROLL AT ALL TIMES, NO QUESTION



1) Fast rotations via tp from 1 or 2 teammates can save a friendly hero from being ganked, and if the other team is overaggressive and still pursues the kill it is almost a guaranteed countergank resulting in both enemies dying for their stupidity.

2) Rotations via tp can save towers, and usually sends people splitpushing alone back, leaving you with tons of xp and gold from the abandoned enemy push

3) After you become master-juker, carrying a tp provides an escape back to fountain or another tower when in dire need, i.e. when you're on dire side, at radiant t1, and you see you are being flanked by 2 heroes coming from the river behind you, and another coming head on. Just step into fog in the trees, and you will most likely survive, especially so if the enemy team lacks stuns and disables

4) Shit looks dope as fuck and is only 135 gold


There is literally no excuse to not carrying TP constantly after the first few minutes of laning, it is one of the most valuable, if not the most valuable and cost efficient item the shop has to offer

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Spending your gold before dying and ultimately just spending your gold in general. So many times I see newer players just stacking up 2-3k gold before buying anything. That is a ton of gold that could be used for so many things to either save you or kill the opponent.

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I'd say one of the most important things, if not THE most important thing, is understanding your role and accepting your skill level. Don't expect to be a god at this game immediately, but accept the fact that in most cases you will be playing a support, or should be. This isn't exactly the most exciting position, however you are vital to your teams success and you have to learn that farming isn't your top priority as a support.


REMEMBER- Wards are your teams best friends! Possibly Youtube or Google some really good warding locations, as well as ones that aren't typically checked in lower MMR games!


Also, learn what other heroes do; Invisible heroes or stealth heroes carry a dust, or forms of detection. If you counter these types of heroes early and shut them down, it's your best bet to allow your team to snowball.


Last, but certainly not least, touching on what Sean stated above. Carry your TP's at all times, this is vital when trying to make fast rotations to any tower on the map, and possibly assisting a vital carry or even shutting down an opposing carry with a well timed rotation and gank!!!!

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One of the most important things, CARRY A TP SCROLL AT ALL TIMES, NO QUESTION



1) Fast rotations via tp from 1 or 2 teammates can save a friendly hero from being ganked, and if the other team is overaggressive and still pursues the kill it is almost a guaranteed countergank resulting in both enemies dying for their stupidity.

2) Rotations via tp can save towers, and usually sends people splitpushing alone back, leaving you with tons of xp and gold from the abandoned enemy push

3) After you become master-juker, carrying a tp provides an escape back to fountain or another tower when in dire need, i.e. when you're on dire side, at radiant t1, and you see you are being flanked by 2 heroes coming from the river behind you, and another coming head on. Just step into fog in the trees, and you will most likely survive, especially so if the enemy team lacks stuns and disables

4) Shit looks dope as fuck and is only 135 gold


There is literally no excuse to not carrying TP constantly after the first few minutes of laning, it is one of the most valuable, if not the most valuable and cost efficient item the shop has to offer


This. I remember when i first started play dota this was not a thing. Now I have 1 on me 24/7 unless I just tped to a lane and can grab one at the side shop while its still on CD

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Spending your gold before dying and ultimately just spending your gold in general. So many times I see newer players just stacking up 2-3k gold before buying anything. That is a ton of gold that could be used for so many things to either save you or kill the opponent.

So much this, especially when people try bullshit like rushing radiance when it's 30 minutes in and they've died 6 times

"i'm only 1k to my relic"

Then you end up dying over and over because no farm, and by the time you finally get your radiance it's too late and you've lost the game


Spending a small amount of gold is usually a good idea though on something like a tp scroll or something small, if I remember right the amount of gold lost is 30 times hero level, so if you are about to die, and you are say level 16, it might be better just to buy something from your next item if the value is right, 30*16 = 480 unreliable gold lost, so if you buy a couple tps or a small part of an item like a sage mask, it will take the purchase from your unreliable gold pool first, so let's say you have 400 unreliable gold, if you bought something worth ~400 you would get progress towards your next item from gold you would have otherwise lost, while still holding onto your reliable gold.


But yeah, a lot of people also don't realize they shouldn't be constantly rushing to the next item, especially while playing support, it throws games when people don't adapt situationally, and are so obsessed with getting a pipe, mek, shiva, forcestaff, etc by 30 mins they neglect wards, ganking with smoke, dewarding, and other things, crippling their team from the inside.


In relation to this, one last comment I have is do not follow item builds blindly, especially if you are the type of person to take them literally

Every game is different, you should think about what items help you in your situation, instead of blindly rushing dagon 5 on heroes like nyx or tinker for example, or building a battlefury on bounty hunter because the nice man in the guide said so.

If you are new to a hero and must use a guide, question it often and judge it with logic and reasoning; after understanding the hero's mechanics, think why the author would want you to build an item, and whether it fits your game, and if not, devise your own strategy for that game, and build items accordingly

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