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could we maybe..


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Cartoons don't lie. JK, but I've went to this one place before where a guy has about 10 pc's and there was a couple playing world of warcraft that looked exactly like that in the south park picture, just no wrist band or bad clothes. The guy was wearing his work clothes. The other kid was a pimple face, kinda fat, ugly ^_^.

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Guest The_Monkey

I am not a WOW fan, but I think the forum would be appropriate.


I have a co-worker who plays WOW on and off, and right now he is in his on mode. He asked if HG had a WOW guild and for more information. A forum would help him decide if joining HG for WOW would be worth it.

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Hasn't someone already asked for a wow forum, I think the response was:


The forums the forum has are of games which hg have servers for and hg does not own a wow server and never will so no wow forum


I think it went something like that or did I dream it


even if this wasn't said before i really agree with this one...i used too play WoW and it sucks the life out of you...majority stop playing sports, going to work, having friends...it really sucks in the long run...screw WoW

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