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My iPhone !


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It was expensive I mainly am using it for school because I walk home incase anything happens + it had like... google and stuff :)



1st Goal : HeLLsGamers on the Go!


That's pretty much the worst rationale for buying a specific phone that I've ever heard.


So ive realized 90% of all Veteran members are pessimistic and hate everything


I have to combat ignorance 50 hours a week - I don't really like doing it for free. lol.

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I love my iPhone.


I wouldn't go w/any other phone right now.. ESP w/the tools I have.


I use my iPhone at work.. a lot..


so i think for me its good.


as long as you use it and you don't have it because its the "cool" thing.. its sweet


i condensed my ipod, phone, gps, and diagnostic laptop into one item.

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I love my iPhone.


I wouldn't go w/any other phone right now.. ESP w/the tools I have.


I use my iPhone at work.. a lot..


so i think for me its good.


as long as you use it and you don't have it because its the "cool" thing.. its sweet


i condensed my ipod, phone, gps, and diagnostic laptop into one item.


Im with blunt on that one 100%

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