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Team Killing Csgo Mg Rules????????

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Yea apparently. tbh I don't approve of it, we don't allow teamkilling on any other server and it makes no sense to allow it on one but not the rest.


edit: From what I saw and what I've been seeing, the only people that use this rule are regulars who dominate over every other player at course maps, and of course will be getting the grenades before someone else has a chance to, it really ruins the "hello friend" reputation that CSGO division used to have.

Edited by Redusty
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I have been playing in MG for some time now I was here before and after the TKing... My thoughts on the topic is that it should've never been taken out in the first place. It makes the server a lot more challenging and fun. Definitely should stay & never taken out again... TY

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I agree with rapiid. But since people have been complaining about I think there should be a forum vote on it. And it has to be a good vote of atleast over 75 people voting. And it has to be a majority win. Like 70% yes 30% no. Not 55%yes 45% no. Otherwise it stays as a tk is allowed

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I agree with rapiid. But since people have been complaining about I think there should be a forum vote on it. And it has to be a good vote of atleast over 75 people voting. And it has to be a majority win. Like 70% yes 30% no. Not 55%yes 45% no. Otherwise it stays as a tk is allowed

The thing with forum polls is that anyone can vote. In the past, people have gone to their friends who do not even play in the server to vote in their favor. It is best to talk to the MG regulars, and it seems like the majority of them like this rule.

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Yes. It was discussed and thats what the majority of people wanted.

Yes. and most of those people are trolls and get in trouble alot with other trolling. Like redusty said, we dont allow teamkilling in any servers you get ban in MM for it, why allow it in minigames. Not only is it TKing its trolling. And thats against the rules isnt it

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Okay. Well how about another meeting but with hg members/recruits who have been playing mg for over 200 hours and let them vote again. Im fine with tking im not against it. It makes the server more fun. But the downside i can see is the player count per day of active players on MG will go down because people will complain about being tked a lot. And yes i know im admin and have to slay trolling players who target certain players over and over. But the tk has to be justified as a troll/grief. Cant just slay/kick cause the person got tked by the same player one round then 5 rounds later get tked by same person again. And some people will troll that by tking a player then a few rounds later tking again

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Team killing is allowed and it is going to stay that way till it becomes a problem. If we get enough complains wink wink nudge nudge and ban reports because of trolls it will be changed.



End of discussion.

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