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not enough info Not Sure How This Works, But Here Goes.

Christa Rice

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What1how. Over a dumbass game such as league of legends ARAM when I kept dieing. He specifically said everything bout what i was doing was shit. 1st i can't help if i get targeted, 2nd i can't help if he gets out of range, and 3rd he can fuck off since he thinks he knows everything about everything about league legends. I personally put up with his shit for too long, and yes I realize I could use help in some areas of league, but he needs to get the stick out of his ass and realize that's not the right way to help someone. This was in league chat not ts.

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I guess I'm still dL.


No proof no ban, that is the first problem.


I will make a point to speak to him even after my tags are removed, however as far as I'm aware this is a first and sole incident so a ban will not be firm at this time.


Thank you for the only strat ban report I've ever seen

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