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not enough info Fry's Abuse Report


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1. Abuser name: Fry

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_1:0:18884031

3. What server: CS:GO Jailbreak

4. About what time: few minutes ago

5. PROOF: Will be posted here by Dat Ass

6. Please tell us about the incident: I joined the server and the first round was a warday. Than Fry started playing some really stupid song and first thing I asked him can he change it. He was still playing the song so I muted him through gameplay (When u hold TAB ... and block comunications) Than I was talking with other players. Over admin chat he said "Do not speak over music". But there is no such rule and aim aloud to speak over music. Im not allowed only to sing with a music or spam random stuff. So I said Im allowed to talk over music and u better learn a rules before u get admin. Yes I included the word so "Fuck You"... And he kicked me out of the server for disrespect. 1st thing. He did not gave me any warning or anything. As I was not racist or did not had a intentional disrespect towards him. I just said " So Fuck You" just because I get sick of people not knowing the rules and making up rules on the servers. Iw seen that to many times and I do not like that. He obviuosly dont know the rules and he kicked me for no reason. Even if that was a disrespect (Which was not) he should warn me first or mute me but not kick me out of the server.

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No, no....just no, never. This has never nor will ever be a thing.


As for that thread that you linked, maybe you didn't read what i said

Talking comes before HLDJ. If someone is playing music, you may talk (not spam). If someone is talking and you start playing music you might end up muted. added it to that thread.

It was in the HLDJ/Mic rules, but since you didn't seem to catch it i made it bigger. Just for you.


Not really sure where you got that having a conversation is considered spam.



but just in case you still don't get it



=============================Ninja edit======================

As for the kick, i saw no proof of disrespect. Though X-ray did admit to saying "Fuck You". That isn't something that can really be said without being disrespectful. Without a demo of the actual incident prior to the kick i can't really judge it fairly.


one quick last note. The rule isn't "Don't disrespect admins." It is:

  • Be respectful to everyone! A certain amount of smack-talk is ok, but do not be disrespectful.

So quit saying that.



Edited by Icon315
I am sleepy
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