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SWAT Sniper 117

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yeah hyper c i did complain when purple goodburger got banned, then i watched the demo and agreed he ws hacking

but those demos of blueberry bud are not hax at all. my bro with a 1.5 kd gets shit like tatall the time. everyone has good days and just cuz someone demos them doing etter than normal doesnt mean they are hacking

i realy think you guys should give blueberry a second chance. this was the first time he was accused of hacking and there is no strong evidence at all. im sure all of you have had cooler kills then he did plz un ban him

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yeah hyper c i did complain when purple goodburger got banned, then i watched the demo and agreed he ws hacking

but those demos of blueberry bud are not hax at all. my bro with a 1.5 kd gets shit like tatall the time. everyone has good days and just cuz someone demos them doing etter than normal doesnt mean they are hacking

i realy think you guys should give blueberry a second chance. this was the first time he was accused of hacking and there is no strong evidence at all. im sure all of you have had cooler kills then he did plz un ban him


1. Your in-game name:

2. Server that you where banned on:

3. The Banning admin:

4. Time of Ban:

5. Your Steam-Id

6. Reason for ban:


SWAT Sniper 117, you post on these unban forums enough to know that there is a template to follow. You must follow the rules in order to get the assistance you need, even if it is a friend of yours.


Either fill in the information with your explanation, or your debate of the ban, for him, or he needs to come in and do it himself.



BTW, can we see the demo/proof.

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the only way is if he might get unbanned is if he comes to the forum and vent HIMSELF and apologizes, and DOES NOT LIE, and convinces us that he will stop using hacks, and guilts us into feeling sorry for him... then he MIGHT be unbanned, depending on if it is agreed on by all staff present or a council. We take hacking seriously and he has played on HG long enough to know that.


that said, even certain legit/respected members have, themselves at one time or another, experimented with hacks in a shady past that they'd rather forget about. Everyone makes mistakes in some form, and that is why some people who make the effort do get a second chance

Edited by HT | bort
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Id liek to point out a difference in


Secretly wallhacking for months to get high ranked and make a name for yourself




experimenting with hacking because you assume others use it

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