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request: MOTD extra rule


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I am putting in a request for an extra rule to be implicated throughout our HG servers on our MOTD. It is my personal opinion but I bring this up now because I have being seeing it on player names, and some sprays within our servers and its offensive to me and a lot of other people. Here is the line:


"Making a comedic attempt of tragic events such as 9/11, school shootings, and other acts of human violence will result in week to permanent BAN, no exceptions"


I personally lost a close friend on September 11th 2001. I went to back to New York 2 weekends ago to visit the burial site of my friend and wanted to speak my mind. I have seen a few "parody" names of similar events with school shootings such as the Columbine/Virginia Tech massacres, and some sprays on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in the middle east with titles such as "FAIL" and "PWNED" showing dead people on the streets with soldiers standing over their bodies. I think we should keep that kind of shit out of our servers because it hurts me personally when I see things like that and nobody needs to be exposed to that without their discretion.


In my case, not a lot of people lost someone on Sept 11th (about 3,000 compared to the population of the USA and international families) but for the ones that did lose someone - it hits them hard.. it hit me hard and even though its obvious that we should NOT have to put things like that into a comedic attempt, some people are ignorant enough to do that.


Our MOTD works right now (again) and I think we can add this one line if the council or editing staff wouldn't mind. And I would greatly appreciate it if it goes into effect.


Thank You

Edited by JuIcY
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one of the planes was from boston. my uncle was on it.


i really dont tolerate bull shit that people make of that day. it was really REALLY bad.

someone in school made a joke about 9/11. had a picture of a bunch of people lying on the ground, dead from jumping off the towers. he laughed at said " ahahahahha that day was so fucking funny"


i giggled a little and punched him in the face, i agree with you 100% juicy.

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Juicy, I know how it feels to lose someone from 9/11. I lost my aunt, uncle, and cousin, who all worked in one of the towers. The floor they worked on was one that got hit when the plane crashed. I hate seeing people making fun of that day. Last time I heard someone do it he got the shit beat out of him.


JJK, just because the rules say to respect everyone, it doesn't mean that people will know if you lost someone in 9/11 or some other tragic event. I think it would be a good addition to the MOTD to add this suggestion as a rule.

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