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not abuse [Hg] Azona - Random Kicks / Bans


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Abuser Name: [HG] Azona

Steam ID: STEAM_0:8169277

Server: [HG] 24/7 Zombie Survival! | US-Central | FastDL | HeLLsGamers

Server time: 3:50 - 3:56pm EST


Azona has kicked many players (including myself) for having names that, while insensitive or odd, are not racist or server-breaking in any way.


While I was playing, he kicked someone with the name "Adolf did nothing wrong" for reason "Change Name" or something along those lines. After I (a Gold member) and others told him that there was nothing in the rule book that prohibits names as tame as that user's, he told me in admin chat "not to test him."


Changed My Name is a recent ban that he made.


Update: He made, extended, approved, and locked the ban all without input from any other admin. I think this is pretty abusive and against all common sense, but that's just me.

Edited by _iMPAKT
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