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not enough info Hg Zezima Freeslay ----Hg Jailbreak Server----

Nobody's Bitch

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1. Abuser name: HG Zezima

2. Their Steam Id: http://steamcommunity.com/id/osumb/

3. What server: HG Jailbreak

4. About what time: About 3:00 AM UTC+02:00

5 & 6 . PROOF and incident:


For the Proof of my report ,unfortunatelly i dont have a demo, but i will use screenshots


So the day was going fine the lead was doing a trivia cells day with the top floor cells and ordered all T's to pick a cell. Zezima at one point decided to leave his cell, without any orders given, run thru blue room went inside obs and then procede into JJK so he can use the vents and go all the way to climb. I was following him since he started running from his cell. I could see him knifing the door to get inside JJK,after he run thru obs, and tried to shoot him but the garage door closed behind him. At this point zezima is climbing down the ladder and i get inside JJK (I heard the climbing of the ladder). I climb down to find him a few steps away from the ladder so i shot him instantly and killed him


after a couple of seconds i get slayed by zezima

and get this immidiate responce from zezima

i explain over microphone the whole situation to Zezima while having 2 other CT's witnesses of the event ,agreeing with me.

Zezima's responce was

I explained that i saw him leaving his cell and followed him, even saw him going inside the vents, but his responce was this

Since i wasnt recording at the time i tell him that i dont have any recorded proof besides screenshots

At this point im not even mad about the incident but im rather mad about zezima knowing he abused and not giving a single crap about it.He even taunted me saying go post it on the forums baby and other staff like that....

I believe if you are an admin on this server you should enforce the rules and try to make the server a better place. I would let it go if zezima had just apologized about what he did, even tho he wasnt spectating me or watching me to actually give a slay order, but that wasnt the case. He wasnt even feeling remorse for what he did which lead to this report. He just kept saying it was my problem, not his, since i dont have proof. These kinds of actions should be takken very much into concideration because you can prevent further abuses like that or even worse.

i told him i didnt have a demo i just wanted him to apologize but no apologies where given

The sad thing about it is that he knows he was wrong and didnt care. Im leaving this up to whoever it is that checks these abuse reports to take further actions if neccesary.




(Edit: Screenshots arent shown for some reason. Fixing to make them viewable)

Edited by Nobody's Bitch
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I'd need a demo to proof that this was infact a freeslay.

Since you don't have one i can't be sure enough about it.

I did however talk to Zezima about being careful when it comes to situations like this where you aren't %100 on whether or not people are camping. It shouldn't happen again.

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