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Hello Everyone,let Me Introduce Myself Here!


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Hello Ladys and Gentlemen,


My name is Kit Ballard and i live in Germany,pretty far away huh?Well screw that,i'm here to tell you something about myself.



So my real name is actually Fabi but i think to call me Kit is short enough,i am currently learning to be a Cook and also to become an Manga/Anime artist (My sketches/skills are still bad though,dont blame me >:C ). I am really excited what this community has to offer, maybe i find many friends here,will be some badass Dictator like Borat..that was his name right?...Weelll...let's keep going o-O


I really like to play many games from the lowest Platformer till the highest FPS game which is currently out there,but i really have to dislike Call Of Duty or let's say since Ghost came out..i mean they really produce the same *insert bad word here* every year and cmon...Advanced Warfare?Wauw i have a Jetpack,much lazors,much jumping,much awww christ...oh sorry i came out of my line *AHEEEM* Soo i also like to watch art,thats why i want to create something with my hands because just the work behind that makes me feeling great,thats why i want to becoming an artist ^-^.


Sooo that's it from me,i really hope you enjoyed this litte Introducement here.Oh i already forgot,before you calling me a bad guy i'm actually a good one :3 not the best one but a nice person ^-^.


''Schönen Tag noch''(use google translator ahem..)

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