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Unban STEAM_0:0:21515407


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1. Your in-game name: =TH= §Trance§

2. Server that you were banned on: Jailbreak

3. The Banning admin: Prius

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:21515407

5. Reason for ban: My little brother had gotten onto my account, and in an innocent joke, as reply to a statement of the man above him.


My brother said 'Fucking ******s,' though this was not meant as a offense, he was replying to the text above him that said "Sparkling Wiggles" this is dialogue from a Viral video in which the parents of a young baby girl try to get her to say "Sparkling wiggles." The little girl, being so young does not say the name right, she instead says "fucking ******s."


So I would like to be unbanned because it was not an attempt to be rude, nor was it I, the owner of the profile, that made the action. In the 'proof' provided by Repellant Zombie, you can see that the name of my account is "Last CT (Trances Bro).


Please and Thank you,


Edited by Artillery
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Hey you. I know you and I think you're a cool guy.

But you know, I really tire of hearing all of these "my brother/dad/dog/kitchen sink/ did it" excuses that I've been hearing over the past while and I'm tempted not to unban you. I think it would serve as a good example to other people who feel that this excuse (whether you're legitimately telling the truth or not) doesn't work anymore and is old news.


The reason I say this is because you are ultimately responsible for your account and what is done on it; we have an MOTD for a reason, if someone is too reckless or stupid to follow the rules in our servers, then they deserve to get punished.

On that note because you haven't caused any trouble that I know of since I've known you, which has been quite awhile (aside from this incident) I'm going to go out on a limb for you and unban you.





Edited by Artillery
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