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SmallTownGirl Unban request


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1. Your in-game name: SmallTownGirl at the time i believe

2. Server that you were banned on: Iceworld

3. The Banning admin: Console?

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:19164299



5. Reason for ban: I'm not entirely sure, but I'm a huge fan of your jailbreak server and I'm a frequent visitor of that server. I joined the iceworld server for the first time today, and was almost instantly banned as soon as i joined the server and have absolutely no idea why. I've done nothing wrong. If I could get a reason for this ban, or be unbanned that would be great.





Edited by Artillery
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Obviously, You were hacking?

A post by Kigen on his website.

Oh meh, that is a classic detection.


That fool was cheating 100%.


Cheats often turn off sv_consistency and turn on sv_cheats. Trust me, that is 100% cheating.


It can be shocking to know who cheats.




As far as him joining he must have turned them off. They do have something known as a "panic key".

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You may not have been cheating when you were in our Jailbreak server, but you were when you joined our Iceworld Server.


KAC doesn't lie and trying to convince Kigen of a false positive is a laughable attempt at getting unbanned. You were using something to try and force consistency off so that cheats could be turned on by your bypass. If you hadn't been banned for 5.14, you would have been banned by 5.15.



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