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Proxy Issue


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So I have been using a google chrome extension for over a few months now with now issues. The proxy type extension I have been using is labeled "foxy proxy", admittedly I know nothing about these types of things and I only used it to get around something that my parents had setup to block my connection to sites. As of now I am having multiple issues with it, I am unable to upload to light-shot (screen capture device) because of non configured proxy settings that are only showing up now for some odd reason. When I disable the foxy proxy extension it conflicts with multiple sites through chrome/web browser. I need to know some way of both disabling my proxy through chrome as well as being able to use websites without a proxy. Any help is appreciated, Thanks.


Things I have already tried :

Disabling the proxy extension itself

Keeping the proxy(but it conflicts with steam and is quite annoying)

Restarting PC...

Disconnected from wireless/wired connections


Edit : I have been able to get around the lightshot issue and am able to post the steam issue I am having currently http://prntscr.com/6dpqg8


Foxy Proxy Basic http://getfoxyproxy.org/

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