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reviewed Swiftwolf990 Abuse


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1. Abuser name: Swiftwolf990

2. Their Steam Id:1:58378204

3. What server:CSGO Minigames

4. About what time: Earlier Today

5. PROOF: Uploaded Demo

6. Please tell us about the incident:


Bans someone for Harrassment that was over steam chat and not in game.


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Now i understand why I have Been banned. I did this not do this to hurt or harm someone in particular, it was more or less me being kinda over reactive. I banned jdixon for more than one reason; He was mic spamming, and constantly saying the "N" word through his ingame mic, and disrespect of players and other admins with me. Although Enigma was a little different; Mic spamming, calling other players the "N" word through ingame mic and chat (over and over till i silenced him), disrespect of admins and other players, and then he took a things out of game and started steam messaging me (don't know if other players too) and continued to use mean and disrespectful comments toward me and my friend bowzer (again not sure on if he was messaging bowzer too). so in spite of anger and frustration i banned/blocked him.


I know the error of my decisions, and am sincerely sorry for the abuse. This will not happen again.

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I know the error of my decisions, and am sincerely sorry for the abuse. This will not happen again.

I just want to confirm that you are aware of our rules


1. We do not ban people for stuff they said over steam, that is out of our control. You can simply just remove and block them from steam, which I think you did.


2. In the demo, Enigma never said anything. Make sure to have proof of him calling other people the N word, spamming, or disrespecting.


3. Make sure to follow the standard procedure for this; Warn (verbal/gag/mute), kick, then ban.

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