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Robocraft Players?

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I know it seems like a childish game, a ripoff of Minecraft but I dunno I honestly don't think so.

it has elements of it and World of Tanks, but I think it's a unique and fun game. It appeals to both audiences and the devs are supportive and open relatively speaking.


Early access and it does well on both steam charts and indie charts. I find it fun and I was wondering if anyone here is planning to/already does/has an interest in the game! The next big update is rolling out clans. I'm not 100% sure if this is a real clan feature but if it is, it'd be cool to have some fellow HG members with me! C:

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if I am assuming right, you're referring to early access game blunders and bugs.


I can 100% guarantee you there are minor bugs that do very little to affect gameplay. They're not annoying and in general, I think it's a well done early access game. =)


It can be overwhelming to start and slow in the beginning, but there's a very in depth guide to help and most of the systems are intuitive. It really picks up once you get out of the starting Tiers!

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