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Blue Screen of death.


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ay people back with another question cause it seems you guys know what your talking about. When i turn on my computer all letters are blue like its weird. Im running vista and i read about the blue screen of death but i doubt its that because i can start up my pc fine and everything its just the color has a blue tint and its hard to see red,yellow, and white/gray colors. My video cables are a little bit torn at both ends from me pulling them i guess but idk if thats it or not so can u guys help me once more. What should i do? Buy new video cables, New monitor, or do i have the BSOD? Some one lemme know


Thanks in Advance.

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20$ on cabling. yank your monitor cable and plug it back in. Do that for both sides. after than try reinstalling video drivers. Then try another monitor or videocard. I know, I know, how do I find time to fight crime when Im running around saving lifes? One day at a time. One day. At . A time.

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Yea, sounds like your video cables bro, but before you buy that check the actual settings on your monitor and make sure nobody screwed with them (that's if your monitor has settings, my new one doesn't). If it has settings look under hue. If the settings are correct then most likely it's going to be the video cables. If the cables don't fix the problem then a new monitor all together will =^).


P.S. Also just so you know this is what BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) looks like http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/01/Bsod.svg/800px-Bsod.svg.png and the way you describe it you definitely don't have that problem (be thankful lol).

Edited by DarkOwnage_
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helmin and vandium the only 2 people of this community who constantly say gay shit... well my turn SUCK MY DICK fa****S


Yeah, you'd like that wouldn't you. Both of us on you at once...

So I bet your screen is still blue eh?

Something else is gonna turn blue if you're gonna hold out for helmin and myself to handle up on that.

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you cant fight crime. you look like Mccully Culkin they will just laugh at you and takes all your rams. lol :(


Lol that's his girlfirnd. yeah I think Van figured out ur problem. BTW blue screen of death = ur comp is not working whatsoever and you can not do anything you have a vid issue, prolly cables. Why the hell are you yanking on ur cables in teh first place and for what reason would you need to yank them so they become frayed?!?

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cocaine dreams huh? I aim at MF'ers slinging on the corner while I drive to work at the inner city hospital. Aight!!!!


BTW Terry Taco helped me figure out your cable problem





Wrong hole fool!!


Edited by [HG] Pureslay
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