stuv 101 Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 I'm finally out of the Silver Leagues and Nova 1! Man it was hard getting out of silver, there's a lot I learned from playing solo competitive, and a lot more I need to learn if i'm going to push further into Nova. I'd like to share some of the things I learned so far (even if i'm sharing it with players with 15+ years of experience). Walk, Walk, Walk, Walk, Walk..... seriously cant count the number of times walking has saved my butt and gave me an edge over multiple opponents "clopping" around. controlled bursts are better than spraying (most of the time). Had to learn this one the hard way with the AK 47, was point blank, sprayed while running, didn't hit a thing.... that reminds me.... STOP Then shoot. I find it better for me to stop, take a breath, then shoot the enemy. sometimes crouching to get more stability (i knew DayZ experience would come in handy). Cheap guns are cheap for a reason. There was a time where I would use nothing but shotguns and the PP Bizon, thinking: "The bizon has 64 shots, and shotguns are one shot kills, why not use them all the time and save money?". It wasn't until I figured out how to use the M4A4, to appreciate expensive late game weapons. Do it like Captain Price (from Modern Warfare 1) and "check your corners". If there's a corner, someone's most likely there... with a Nagev, shotgun, ak, P90, AWP, or anything that can one shot you. Always buy armor. Originally I thought armor was useless cause you still could die from 3 hits, or one AWP. Pistol rounds taught me a lot about armor and damage types. ​Always buy grenades (even if it's just one grenade). Having a smoke or flash has saved me pain and insta-death from AWPers, AKs, and angry m249 people. Also Frag grenades help you get frags (kills). If it's quiet, the enemy is either walking, or planting the other site. Another way to put this is to rotate faster when the enemy is taking a site. But remember lesson # 1.) just because it's quiet, doesn't always mean someone isn't there. Get Frags (kills). The less enemy players you need to deal with, the better. One of my favorite tactics is to wait for flankers/ rotates, and pick them off. At the end of a round, puck up power weapons. 10 times out of 10, someone on your team wants an awp, ak, SG 553, AUG, Nagev, etc. Try to pick them up for your team. share the wealth. If you have a lot of money, and your team is saving, buy them some guns. Don't be that guy who buys themselves a Nagev or even worse... a Bizon every round...... Try to have fun. For me, if i'm not getting frags / not doing very well, i need someone to give me an objective (a simple one like watch a corridor or watch for rotates). It also helps to give your team mates some support when they need it. pair a stronger player with a weaker one to keep them from getting picked. These are just a few things I learned so far, and will continue to grow into this game. For now, I'll be playing a lot of casual games (at least 400+ hours) before playing anymore competitive matches. If you feel like playing with me, send me an invite. If you want to friend me on steam, add a message with the letters HG in it. Anyway, I'll see you guys on the field. For now, I'll get some frags with my new SG 553! http://cloud-2.steam...52.resizedimage 2 Quote Link to comment
Johnmau Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 carry me, ive done everything in those things even work on my sprays. Still the shittest teamates the world can ever see, Quote Link to comment
stuv 101 Posted April 12, 2015 Author Share Posted April 12, 2015 Just friend me on steam, lets get some frags together. Quote Link to comment
Xaioa Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 I think most of these Tips speak for themselves and you should become known with them when you play Deathmatches in the beginning of your CS:GO ''career''. SO DO YOUR DEATHMATCHES! It also improves your aim so you can get outta Nova too. 1 Quote Link to comment
KarmaOfPain Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 Nice job getting out of silver! 1 Quote Link to comment
stuv 101 Posted April 13, 2015 Author Share Posted April 13, 2015 Thanks man! =D Quote Link to comment
UnPrePared_ Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 (edited) gratz (i stopped reading by 5) Edited April 13, 2015 by UnPrePared_ 1 Quote Link to comment
stuv 101 Posted April 13, 2015 Author Share Posted April 13, 2015 Hey, it's true, gotta check those corners man. XD Quote Link to comment
kimzy Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 First of all, congrats on getting out of silver! I started as a silver 2 myself I'm now an eagle and I'll grab your tips and add a bit more to them to get you into the ak level 1) Walking. Walking is good. Always, no, almost always. If you're walking and your dumbfuck teammate is running, there's no longer a point in walking. Unless if he's way behind you then yell at him or ask him to start walking, he might not have done any damage yet because just cause you hear him running doesn't mean your opponent already can. If your dumbass teammate runs and you figure it's too late, expect them to peak you, they probably only heard one pair of footsteps, they might try and pick that "solo player" off. When your team decides to rush, ALL rush. It sucks when one person isn't full rushing along. 2) Most of the time, indeed, controlled bursts are better than spraying. sometimes though, especially when you're up close, spraying doesn't hurt. What you should do though is go in an offline server and check out spray patterns for every gun you use. Get away from the wall a bit and spray onto the wall, without moving it, or moving it as you usually do when you spray. Do the bullets go up too much? to the right too much? work on controlling that. For the ak you have to pull down and if I'm correct you have to pull to the left (or right) a bit after a certain amount of bullets. Idk by head it's become a habit now but in the beginning you have to work on that a lot. One taps and controlled bursts are fine but don't completely stop spraying, sometimes you just have to. 3) stop then shoot, I have nothing to add to that. Or maybe. What you could try is strafing. You don't necessarily have to STOP. Even better is laying off the W key but going left and right trying to shoot him. The more you move the harder you are to hit. And if you practice your aim will be just as good while you're doing this. An extra tip could be, move right, tap left then instantly shoot. You'll be more accurate than just going right then shooting, the left tap will make you stop, and if you're lucky, you will be shooting, accurately as if you're standing still, while it still looks like you're moving to your teammate. Aka a win win. This is all about practicing you can't expect to do this right from the first try. 4) cheap guns are indeed cheap guns for a reason but there's times when you can buy them. Cause although cheap guns are cheap guns for a reason, they're in the buy menu for a reason, and that's mainly, for 2nd rounds. If you won first round then it's time to buy up. Don't be silly, do not buy an m4 or an ak yet, cause you'll be broke for the next 2 rounds if you do and end up losing it. Buy yourself an smg. Second round your opponents just lost a round, they're not going to spend money on armor and if they do, definitely not headarmor, they'll probably buy a p250 and body armor at most. So use your smg's, shotties, galil's or famas. Also buy HEADarmor second round if you won first round. The last thing you want is to buy up and lose your gun because you got one tapped by a retard with a p250 cause you didn't buy head armor! When you save, you probably shouldn't buy these smg's and cheap guns. buy yourself a pistol. If you're crap with pistols, practice in a DM just like you would your real guns. You can't expect to get good with a pistol if you only use it in competitive games. I personally love the p250 I probably get more kills with it than I do with rifles lol and people hate me when we're saving cause I usually end up getting at least one guy. Another reason to buy smg's or galil etc is when the rest of your team is buying and you're the only one who does not have enough for an ak/M4. Buy full armor first, then see what other options you have left. Buy the best one out of those options. If you have 2400 left, buy a famas/galil and not a shotty, for example, but if all you have is money for a nova then go ahead and wreck shit with it. Your entire team will be broke next round if you lose anyways so if you don't buy on these rounds you can't buy next either. And having to save two rounds in a row blows. 5) Nothing to add here. Checking corners is probably the one that (still) gets me killed the most. Every time you skip checking one gay spot, you bet your ass there's one in there. 6) always buy armor. Correct, in a way. Exceptions though: when you're CT and you full buy, you usually don't buy headarmor. Why? When the T's can full buy as well, they'll have ak's and awps only. Ak's get you killed with one headshot if you have head armor, or when you don't, and awp shots get you one hit killed either way. Because they have ak's, head amor is completely useless CT side but ONLY if you're sure they can buy! if you're not sure they can buy, or let's say you just won two rounds in a row so you're sure they can't buy, BUY HEADARMOR. you don't wanna skip head armour and get ripped buy a pistol or smg to the face! Skipping head armor when you're sure they can buy though, saves you a lot of money that you could put into buying nades or A DEFUSER. Other tips: first round, fuck buying pistols. buy body armour, you'll be way better off, especially if you've followed my former tips and practiced your pistols! Second round, if you win, like I said, buy full armor, head armor included. If you lose it really depends on your finance and on your team. If your team buys pistols after losing first round, and you can afford it, buy a p250 and body armor, if they don't, just full save with them. 7) always buy grenades but don't use them unless you know how to throw them. Although nades, flashes etc are important, there's nothing more annoying than getting team flashed, or, in mm, getting -30 hp cause your teammate fucked up his HEgrenade! Get in an empty server and learn to throw basic nades, smokes and flashes for every map. Doesn't have to be anything fancy! Just learn how to smoke big garage, heaven, main and radio when you're on nuke for example, or how to flash into upper. Learn to smoke arch or truck side on inferno, or CT in B side, etc. The basics are going to be good enough but they're important. If you smoke it wrong they can peek through them and they'll be a disadvantage for you and your team. Until you know how to though, any nade is better than no nade, except for flashes. They can fuck you up pretty bad. 8) if it's quiet and you're a T, nothing's wrong. CT's usually just play spots. Peek the basics, they're just waiting for you to come out just know where the basic spots are for them to sit in site. For mirage, if you go a, check steps, ct,sandwich, jungle, triple box, balcony, under balcony and most importantly, fire box and ninja spot, for example, they'll probably just be standing there waiting for a sound or a nade to tell them you guys are coming. If you're a CT and you don't hear anything, get ready for the T team to delayed rush something. Could be both sides. Or keep an eye on your mid/outside. Get ready to hide for flashes and don't be in spots that are all too typical cause they'll smoke you off, nade and flash you anyways if you are. When it's quiet for a while, the first sound you hear, make sure to call it to your team. Cause most likely, the side you hear something on is where they'll explode in seconds from the first sound you notice! Also, be careful with decoys. sometimes they decoy A to go B fast, but other times, they decoy A to make you think they're going B. So for that reason, never full rotate unless bomb is spotted. Always keep at least 1 person in the bomb site even if they call 3 or 4 B. If all 5 are up it means at least 2/1 aren't yet and if they haven't spotted bomb in their site there's a big chance bomb will be lurking near your site waiting for you to rotate. 9) Nothing to really add here. Indeed, always expect a lurker or a flanker. Someone will always be gay enough to do it. Aka me, I do it all the time. Just smoking banana off on inferno won't stop them from going there. Have someone car or sandbags just in case. 10) picking up powerguns is usually good although at a nova+ level I suggest you don't pick up negevs etc unless they specifically ask you to. I wouldn't be happy with an aug etc either I'd rather get an m4 dropped than any of those guns. Awps are usually a good gun to pick up. Also make sure to run over their bodies and your teammates to hunt for free nades and a defuser if you're ct! If you semi bought make sure to grab someones ak or m4 if you have a galil/famas. 11) sharing the wealth is good although, if your entire team is broke and you can buy 2 guns, just save. If you buy yourself and one teammate, you'll have only 2 guns in the team and 3 savers. you'll most likely lose your guns, and to make it even worse, next round, your other 3 teammates (maybe 4) can buy, and you can't, so you still won't have a team that has full bought. As you can tell, this fucks up the economy. If you can drop one, make sure not to do so unless 3 others could buy. If you can't somehow all end up with a rifle (or 4 ak's 1 galil will work too), then it's probably better to just save. Except on last round of first half or possible last round overall, then just go all out, and if you can spare someone a famas or a galil go ahead and drop them one . 12) try to have fun by playing with people you know and like. You're less likely to rage at real friends than you are at acquaintances. And also, make sure that if you play with different ranks, make sure there's only 1 that's way worse than the rest, so it's not impossible to carry them. If 2 people are silver 2 and 3 of you are nova 3 it's gonna be REALLY hard to win the game. These tips aren't to become a pro, they're a bit deeper than just the big basics, they'll help you out to get up higher but the higher you go the more you'll see you have to adjust your play style and shooting style. These tips will get you a long way though! Good luck, and again, congrats! 1 Quote Link to comment
Comic King Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 (edited) Dude, I've been doing all of these, and I'm still stuck at being SE-SEM... I guess European competitive is as tough as a potato on a nice Autumn day Edited April 13, 2015 by Comic King Quote Link to comment
Burnt Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 Dude, I've been doing all of these, and I'm still stuck at being SE-SEM... I guess European competitive is as tough as a potato on a nice Autumn day Skay can help with all potato matters 1 Quote Link to comment
Microsoft Word Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 congrats on getting out of silver hell! 1 Quote Link to comment
siRing Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 I am a LE, whoms main account got VAC'd (Long story short, mate lent it, gave it back with a VAC, and removed me from everything. RIP Asimoveh), and I had to go back to my Silver 3 account. Took me 4 days of Silver hell and 20 won matches to get to GN1.... 20 MATCHES WITH RUSSIANS WHO GRIEF! But GZ on escaping the hardest part of CS:GO, Cance-... Uhm Silver. I am now MG1 after 10 more matches, and I will be looking forward to playing again. Quote Link to comment
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