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Cannot get onto website from work


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Yeah. I also get this as well, but I just get it using Internet Explorer. I don't have any problems with google chrome or firefox and same goes with Bullet in the Head. He can't access the website either through Internet Explorer.

Edited by Artillery
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If you are having trouble accessing the website from work and getting the 406 error, please let me know in this thread or via PM.


If you are having trouble accessing the website via blackberry or other smartphone, please let me know in this thread or via PM.


For those of you with issues at work, post any/all info you know about your network configuration. Most likely something in your site request is not being accepted by our Apache security. I'll be able to check when Homer gets on. If you have auto-login/saved login on the front page, the POST action could be causing it. I'll have to get up with some people that have the issue to diagnose it further.


For those of you with blackberry issues. I'd assume that you are using a Company-issued blackberry if you are having trouble? I'd also assume that the reason you can't view the site is b/c of your Corporate BES. The server is prolly set to disallow certain components for viewing of HG site, i.e. disable dl of 3rd party apps. Pretty much corporates way of saying you get a blackberry w/o the fun d/l features, so suck it.



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Guest The_Monkey

I received the error while at work.


I don't know much about the network at work, but I do know that they use WebSense to filter sites (even though this site isn't filtered).

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If you are having trouble accessing the website from work and getting the 406 error, please let me know in this thread or via PM.


If you are having trouble accessing the website via blackberry or other smartphone, please let me know in this thread or via PM.


For those of you with issues at work, post any/all info you know about your network configuration. Most likely something in your site request is not being accepted by our Apache security. I'll be able to check when Homer gets on. If you have auto-login/saved login on the front page, the POST action could be causing it. I'll have to get up with some people that have the issue to diagnose it further.


For those of you with blackberry issues. I'd ***ume that you are using a Company-issued blackberry if you are having trouble? I'd also ***ume that the reason you can't view the site is b/c of your Corporate BES. The server is prolly set to disallow certain components for viewing of HG site, i.e. disable dl of 3rd party apps. Pretty much corporates way of saying you get a blackberry w/o the fun d/l features, so suck it.




see my thread ***GOT

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I can't seem to pull the website up on my blackberry tour. I have my tour through Verizon wireless and havent been able to pull the site up from day 1.

*i get an error that says 403 Forbidden


settings>options>browser>change the default browser configuration from blackberry browser

to internet browser


that is just a workaround


lemme know if it works :D


another thing you could try is to edit the pull access control

-Open BlackBerry Manager.

-In the Explorer view pane, select the BlackBerry MDS-CS Service.

- Click Edit Properties.

-Select Access Control.

-Set Pull Authorization to False

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forgot about this thread, so i made this one: https://hellsgamers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12244 but now its merged into this one


DJ, try editing the pull access control instead of using the internet browser vs. blackberry browser workaround


1. Open BlackBerry Manager.

2. In the Explorer view pane, select the BlackBerry MDS-CS Service.

3. Click Edit Properties.

4. Select Access Control.

5. Set Pull Authorization to False.

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As for the work computers not being able to get on HG. Nag Homer til he does it or gives me access to review Apache mod_security audit logs and apache error logs to find what rules need to be exempt in .htaccess b/c of false positives in your html header requests.

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I just tried setting the browser ID to internet explorer and tried firefox as well, unfortunately neither worked. I'm trying thesecond option but I can't seem to locate an explorer view in my BB desktop manager (i only see 5 categories: Media, App loader, Backup & restore, Device switch wizard, and Synchronize) I checked and couldn't locate an option for BlackBerry MDS-CS

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