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Star Wars Battlefront 3 *new* Trailer


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I'm intentionally killing my hype for this game to avoid extreme disappoint if this turns out to be a reskinned battlefield. Like Evo I want to wait for the gameplay trailer and from what I've been reading there doesn't seem to be space battles (probably want to save that for dlc or an expansion.)

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I'm intentionally killing my hype for this game to avoid extreme disappoint if this turns out to be a reskinned battlefield. Like Evo I want to wait for the gameplay trailer and from what I've been reading there doesn't seem to be space battles (probably want to save that for dlc or an expansion.)

If no space battles no purchase.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Idc about all the hate from no space battles at launch or whatever. All I need is for there to be a ton of boom boom, good netcode and significantly more content (as in guns and attachements, a lot of maps is cool to even if they are all on planets) than hardline. I am SO excited, which is probably a bad thing :\ On another note maybe we shouldnt want space battles. It would most likely be like air superiority from BF3 and BF4 which was a pretty boring, terribly balanced gamemode

Edited by FoxHound
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