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HLDJ Works fine with the new voice chat. You just need to convert your MP3's into a 22050 Hz WAV file instead of 11050 Hz WAV. You can do this by using Audacity. Tested it earlier on Valve DM servers, and the quality is amazeballs. Sounds like you are listening to YouTube :D


yup, this. or use vac. The only things hldj does is assign a toggle key to play the wave file back and convert the file, and like TH said it's super easy to do that yourself. Plus hldj is pretty rubbish.

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download link of vac ?


https://pirateproxy....iR_[deepstatus] (Yarr harr)


Since some people consider setting up VAC and all its components to be somewhat of a hassle, I'll be providing a step by step guide on how I installed it.


1. Download VAC and foobar2000. Foobar: http://www.foobar2000.org/download

2. Open the Virtual Audio Cable Control Panel (probably under start > all programs > virtual audio cable > control panel)

3. In the top left hand corner there is a box labeled 'Cables'. This will be set at 1, raise it to 2.


You might get a prompt saying something (I can't quite remember) basically you will need to restart your computer if you see this message. It's nothing fatal, don't worry!

4. Open the audio repeater (MME) 3 times (probably under start > all programs > virtual audio cable > Audio Repeater (MME)). To make things simpler, I've provided an image of what each of the audio repeater windows should be configured to:


Where it says the Wave in in the middle window select your mic input. Where it says the Wave out in the right window select your sound output. Then press start on each of the windows (in the bottom right hand corner).

5. Set Line 2 as your default device in the recording options.


This will mean in CS:GO your mic defaults to line 2, and as we have seen in the audio repeater windows your microphone is being output through line 2.

6. Now time to set up Foobar2000. Go to File > Preferences > Playback > Output and set the Device to Line 1.


Since Line 1 is going into Line 2, this means your mic and music will go through the same cable! How handy is that!

7. Add some songs to the foobar playlist by dragging and dropping the audio files into the box on the right of the window.


8. Play a song in foobar. Keep this song playing and load up csgo. In csgo go to your mic settings and check the input device is set to line 2. If it isn't press the button below it (I forget what it's called, something like search for default device). Then in the console type voice_loopback 1, hit enter, then hold down your mic key. You should be able to hear the song in game. If it's working, good job! If it isn't, go over the previous steps to see what happened.

9. There are still a few problems. Obviously there is an obnoxious echo when you play back a song. To fix that, set the volume of the Audio Repeaters in the volume mixer to mute.


This means sound is still going through the repeater, but it isn't heard (this took me a while to figure out).

10. In order to prevent having to tab out every time you want to change a song or the volume of a song, set up keyboard shortcuts.


In Foobar, go to preferences (ctrl+p) and locate the display tab. under it hit the keyboard shortcuts tab. Above are my keyboard shortcuts, they are on the numpad because I never use the numpad. However there is another problem, that problem being you have to be in foobar in order to use the hotkeys! To fix this, check the Global Hotkey check box above the OK button for each of the hotkeys so that whenever you press that key foobar will register it.

For my hotkeys, I have next/previous song, forwards/back 10 seconds, volume up/down, and finally play/pause.

11. Still another problem! You obviously don't want to hold down your mic button whenever you want to play music! To fix this, enter these commands into your autoexec file (if you don't know what this is, youtube is your friend).



alias voiceon "+voicerecord; bind <key> voiceoff"

alias voiceoff "-voicerecord; bind <key> voiceon"

bind "<key>" "voiceon"


Where you see <key>, simple put in the key you want to use to toggle voice on/off, for example n. This means whenever you want to activate your mic without having to hold down a key, just press the button and you won't have to hold it. Just press it again to toggle it off.


And there you have it!


If you have any questions or encounter any faults, be sure to hit me up and I'll try to figure it out.

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