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not enough info Forum Report Procedures?


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Like okay...you want people to continue playing your server, make it simpler to post a freakin complaint. Like seriously. It's pretty obvious whos who on the server when it comes to abuse of admin powers. In any case, I am ghostwheel on the server. -hg- digitalprintz zlisted me while I was afk and unable to refute what he was claiming. He then taunted me about it. He frequently allows trolls to troll newcomers, and when others that are his friends double nail props, he becomes a zombie and say he cant see it as a zombie. It's just weird...like he passively aggresively trolls everyone. Idk, I don't care if he remains an admin, hell get whats coming to him in real life with his attitude, but I just want to be unzlisted cuz im good at cading(like I set up the doorcade that he said I doublenailed...its pretty ridiculous).

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This was already dealt with by atrocity. The Zlist was a legitimate Zlist.

Previous post: http://hellsgamers.c...ed-plz-reverse/

Your ban report that I linked you to: http://hellsgamers.c...2737-ghostwheel

There is 17 minutes left on the Zlist. The admin abuse forum is right on the front page of the forums and the procedure is right at the top of it.


The doorcade at the end of your paragraph was not actually your doorcade. It was caded by myself. Screenshot(prior to me zlisting you): http://hellsgamers.c...1ab6e5283640751


edit: fixed link

edit#2: Added information

Edited by DigitalPrintz
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