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Interp Settings An Explanation

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OK ive looked everywhere. No real answer for interp everyone says something different. I only play comp mm. Ping 30-60 always i obviously want to aim at someone an hit them sometimes i play with 1 an its good sometimes 2 an im like wow im pistol headshotting like its nothing. Then i do awful an have to go back to 1. What is interp? An what should it be set to? I just cant seem to find the answer.

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This is my netcode that I took from my autoexec.cfg


rate								    "128000"
cl_cmdrate							  "128"
cl_updaterate						   "128"
cl_interp							   "0"
cl_interp_ratio						 "1"
cl_resend							   "3"
cl_resend_timeout					   "9"
cl_timeout							  "300"   //If your internet disconnects for whatever reason, waits 5 minutes before dropping your client from the server
mm_dedicated_search_maxping			 "50"


I have it on 0 because I play on wifi and ping is like somethimes unstable.


Set it too 1 if you have a stable internet and 2 if it is terrible unstable

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  • 1 month later...

OK ive looked everywhere. No real answer for interp everyone says something different. I only play comp mm. Ping 30-60 always i obviously want to aim at someone an hit them sometimes i play with 1 an its good sometimes 2 an im like wow im pistol headshotting like its nothing. Then i do awful an have to go back to 1. What is interp? An what should it be set to? I just cant seem to find the answer.


These settings very from player to player since everyone places under different connections and Internet. The lowest interp settings were originally intended for pan but many undereducated leagues lock you at 0 even on online games. Online I get the best performance at around an interp of 0.034, though I still use 0 just so I know it's the same wherever I play.

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