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reviewed Admin Abuse Trippypsychonaut420

Nikita Kuznetsov

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1. Abuser name: TrippyPsychonaut420

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:118665684

3. What server: jailbreak

4. About what time: 5:30 am

5. PROOF: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/688271433263657637/4060596797481C7C8F41B9B61859C508EAA66C1C/

6. Please tell us about the incident: basically a t was doing custom lr while i was playing music then i turend off my music becuase it was a custom lr and then i started to play my song then another started to play a song and 2 people where playing hldj then i said to stop still continued and then trippy muted me and then proceeded to say that when its lr and a t is playing music i cant play music because he said that a t overrules a ct on a lr and i only know that when a t does a custom lr not a regualr lr

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Okay my only mistake here was not checkin that he was admin by typing !who. Have my faults admitted, lets talk about the Admin who is making a thread when he doesn't even know the rules. There was a custom lr goin, and the t was playing music. Then chiken decides he wants to play his music. Having all that going on isnt accepted so I muted him,without knowing he was admin. Right after I saw he was though I unmuted him. I told him dude, as admin you should know only 1 hldj at a time, and T's have priority. He kept sayin, "No they dont, show me the rules, show me rules." All during a new round, so he is talking over lead. He did the for multiple rounds, crying about getting muted while lead was giving orders. As an admin, Id think you would know the rules better. And the funniest part is, you ended up admitting T's have priority. Why dont you re-read the fuckin bible, n ill start remembering to type !who.


And seeing as it was custom lr, you should have never had music on in the first place.

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there was no custom lr when i was playing music that's the point, the problem is 2 people and i 1 of them where playing music at the same time and then i told her to stop and she kept on going so did i and then you just muted me what you where saying is that t's have priority then ct's on a lr which is not true unless its a custom lr no go re-read the rules bud and dont tell me how to do my duties as an admin


custom lr was over because not enough people voted yes so there was no custom lr which means you lied

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I would need a demo for this as you are both saying different stuff. Seems like trippy already apologized and saw his mistake. As for you killerbullet, saying stuff like "lol get banned dude" is not cool. He made a small mistake that could have been discussed through admin chat instead of being escalated to the forums. Please try to stay calm next time and talk it out like mature people.

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