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Please unbann me i won't freekill again it was my first day


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WOW... Seriously, you would REPORT the unban request so that admins would hear your plea in the "Report Post" feature??


You can GROW UP.


Heck, can stay banned for all I care.

Edited by Moto
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Maybe if you bump this 8 more times they'll unban you! :D



1. Your in-game name:

2. Server that you were banned on:

3. The Banning admin:

4. Your Steam-Id

5. Reason for ban:



Try filling that out for starters, if that is possible in the slighest bit. Didn't see any report.


You should have said, "My little brother did it!!!" :)


Oh, and look up at the title of this sub-forum, unban is spelled with one N. /face palm

Edited by Apple Juice
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