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not enough info (Gmod) Abuse Report (Harley Quinn)


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Abuse Report

Abuser Name

Harley Quinn

Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID


Where did this occur?


What server?


How long ago did this take place?


Give us a brief description of the incident.

So I was gagged for no reason.

I asked why and she said different things like "Spam" or "Rude"

I asked others if I was spamming and they said I wasn't and they aggreed they didn't hear a warning.

I asked for the spesific reason to why I was gagged but she didnt say.


I bealive this was admin abuse.

Proof Links?

She has some she said she had a demo

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Ingame you are saying im trolling you lol wtf?

Stay on topic please. Answer why you gagged me and what I said to make you gag me. You said ya have a demo post it.

Not showing evidence is a bannable offence.

In logs you said ya have a demo so if ya refuse to give it logs show you say you have it

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