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Youtube Vids?

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Hello everyone. I have a YouTube Channel im trying to grow ATM but I just dont have any ides for videos. I want to do CSGO but I only have Movie Maker for editing and I record with OBS. I have a crappy Laptop so i cant do a high res for the vids. Any tips or tricks? Or any suggestions for vids? Thanks!

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There arent that many big CS:GO youtubers, so I'd suggest starting on Twitch, since that has the most audience currently.

IF and a big IF your channel grows, you can also take a step to YouTube uploading highlights / full streams.


Just beware, growing in YouTube / Twitch / Social Media is very very very killing, don't expect to become big.

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Hmm, the big problem is your editing software (Movie Maker). It's quite limiting so I'd say invest in finding another editing software like Adobe Primere or Sony Vegas which broadens your options of what you can do. In Movie Maker, trying to get the music and the video to sync perfectly will be a bitch unless you can mark the timeline with cues. For recording, I used FRAPS and the only problem with FRAPS was framerate issues when recording + the file being FUCKING huge. If you have any editing questions on Sony Vegas/Adobe Primere I think I can assist you.

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