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Esl One Stickers

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Which are worth buying? Who will win the stages? I even opened a few foil capsules eventho it might have been a waste of money.


My picks first day are:


[spoiler=Damn, you need to click this to find out.]

Group A: TSM

Group B: EnvyUs

Group C: fnatic

Group D: Cloud9


Do you agree?





[spoiler=Also opened foil capsules :D]

Goals were:

Capsule 1: ScreaM

Capsule 2: cloud9 Sticker, preferred shrood. The "Rare Special Item"-like Sticker would have been pasza tho :(

Capsule 3: Get_Right


Outcome was pretty good, like 3 reds in a row




Edited by omgWolf
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I didnt know about that how did you got those ?


I clutched my pick up golden dirito:D! if fnatic didnt won the final I would have 74 points ;-;



I was prob the only one that has chosen kinguin instead of cloud9 hahaha


I also got dust2 and cbble case dropped :) Sadly there will be not a signed KennyS cbble case since kenny only got like 3 kills lol

Edited by UnPrePared_
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