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Cant post in news sooo


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You mean when I sent money to that delightful young man in Nigeria who was taking care of his deceased uncle's estate, I was being scammed? But, but he told me that I was gonna be his shining star if I just invested 1,000. :(

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You mean when I sent money to that delightful young man in Nigeria who was taking care of his deceased uncle's estate, I was being scammed? But, but he told me that I was gonna be his shining star if I just invested 1,000. :(


No, that was legit.

I think I talked to the same guy.

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Wells Fargo needs to know the limitations of my account and my social security number over e-mail. I don't have Wells Fargo, wat do?


Guess Wells Fargo is about to surprise you with a huge check from a savings account put up by your real mother that your adopted parents never told you about. I'd go for it. Oh and you're adopted.

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