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(Complaint) johnny2by78(another thread instead of bumping)


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Instead of bumping the other thread I thought I would make this one so it gets noticed better , I dont mind if you merge the two topics in the future though



1. Abuser name: -hg- johnny2by78

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:23582594

3. What sever:Jailbreak

4. About what time: 7-8 p.m (ET)

5. PROOF: http://rapidshare.com/files/290921951/johnny2by78.dem.html

6. Please tell us your side of the story. It helps us understand what happened during this time


2 things,


1. Johnny has admin but I rarely see him use it,I've been freekilled right infront of him numerous times and he hasn't slayed the freekiller,if he doesn't use the admin properly whats the point in him having it?


2. (I have proof for this)


I was playing around 7-8 p.m on the jailbreak and lets just say it was one of those days where all the t's were in rebelling mode and I think Hardstyle or someone was trying to give orders and johnny just kept on saying "war day no top vip,obstacle etc." Now I enjoy the odd warday but 3-4 times in a row is really repetitive,why not just have the t's spawn in a room with guns and the cts go hide like normal css (well sort of :P).





Edited by Artillery
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Instead of bumping the other thread I thought I would make this one so it gets noticed better , I dont mind if you merge the two topics in the future though



1. Abuser name: -hg- johnny2by78

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:23582594

3. What sever:Jailbreak

4. About what time: 7-8 p.m (ET)

5. PROOF: http://rapidshare.com/files/290921951/johnny2by78.dem.html

6. Please tell us your side of the story. It helps us understand what happened during this time


2 things,


1. Johnny has admin but I rarely see him use it,I've been freekilled right infront of him numerous times and he hasn't slayed the freekiller,if he doesn't use the admin properly whats the point in him having it?


2. (I have proof for this)


I was playing around 7-8 p.m on the jailbreak and lets just say it was one of those days where all the t's were in rebelling mode and I think Hardstyle or someone was trying to give orders and johnny just kept on saying "war day no top vip,obstacle etc." Now I enjoy the odd warday but 3-4 times in a row is really repetitive,why not just have the t's spawn in a room with guns and the cts go hide like normal css (well sort of :P).






About the war day thing, I agree. Also, on top of this, even when Lead CT gives an order, he usually (and constantly) talks over them. He has also been camping 75% of the rounds just so he can have his "war day" by being the last CT. Which, in my opinion is classed as excessive camping.

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ADMIN RULES # 5 and 7...

it is a rule that if your an admin you have to help enforce the rules.


Apparenntly you havent seen the other admin thread although i have failed to find it

It says Admin does not have to enforce rules such as freekilling

An admin can pay for it and sit in a corner all day if he peases

somewhere along those lines

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