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Unban Request


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Name: Yo Momma

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:20558477

Server Banned from: Css Office DM


I was just playing on the server and suddenly im banned for no reason. Jason accuses me of hacking, I seriously wasnt. He doesnt even have proof that im hacking so it just isnt fair at all. So Please reconsider. I mean there are people way better than me yet they arent accused of hacking so i rly dont understand.


Please Unban me ty.

Edited by Artillery
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I was logging in some hours on the DM server, and this guy wasn't hacking. He may have looked like he was aimbotting or something to a nub admin but you really need to get proof and learn to spot hackers better.


And another thing, hackers don't usually hack on servers that they love, and never post an unban request on a server they don't usually play on.

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I can vouch for Yo Momma, I've played with him for a long time now and not once have I ever seen him with foul play. I would like this ban to be lifted off for his sake, he is a legitimate player, and if he was hacking his ratio would be much higher than it is.

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unholy if your going to vouch for someone

dont come onto forums just to vouch for him

ur an hg recruit yet have 3 posts including this one

how are we gonna take ur word

staff will view demos and decide


i think that judging my character by the amount of posts i've made on this forum is petty, and I also think that when I've played with someone long enough on the server I know them better than to hack or not. So I think it's best you don't put my judgement into question hmm?

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i think that judging my character by the amount of posts i've made on this forum is petty, and I also think that when I've played with someone long enough on the server I know them better than to hack or not. So I think it's best you don't put my judgement into question hmm?


the rules of joing hg was to be on vent and active on forums

faied to see you on vent and neither on forums so dont question my judgrment

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Also, don't tell your friends to come in here and say, "He wasn't hacking."


His friend?


I just played with him.


I can't believe he was hacking. They're getting better with hax these days :P


In the demo it doesn't look like hes hacking, but I haven't been an anti-hack admin on CS:S for a long time.

Edited by tiki-dog
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How the hell is this even close to hacks? Please tell me one thing you see that looks like hacks in the demo because he definitely wasn't wallhacking and he had decent aim. Nothing looked fishy to me one bit. Nothing that a multi-hack would have was in this

Edited by BlackEyes
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