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No reason ban HG

Never trust a hippie

Recommended Posts

1. Abuser name: HG | GIR[]_

3. What sever: Crackhouse DM

4. About what time: 3:45 am est, Oct 10th

5. PROOF: 1,2

6. Please tell us your side of the story. It helps us understand what happened during this time.

Im in the server specing, some late nite e-drama is occuring.

I offer the suggestion that the 2 ppl arguing chill out and play the game.

Then someone bans one of the kids for seemingly nothing.

Im only reporting this because I was there and didnt see anything that would permit a ban.


Player hansen

No Demos

Steam ID STEAM_0:1:20799587

Steam Community 76561198001864903

IP address

Invoked on 10-10-09 01:45

Banlength 30 min

Expires on 10-10-09 02:15

Reason [****y]

Banned by Admin HG | Lyds

Banned from [HG] 24/7 Crackhouse Deathmatch - HeLLsGamers.co...

Total Bans 1 (search)

Blocked (1) hansen

Edited by Artillery
Google ain't got shit on this steamID
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It's only a 30 minutes ban,

AND its not even the guy banned that is complainning, r.o.f.l


Thats besides the point frenchie, whether or not the person banned cares, admins still should not be bannning people for no apparent reason no matter if its a 30 minutes or 23786minutes.

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so what if i wasnt the one banned , and yes it was only 30 minutes, and yes i was there. PWNED. The one banned was being accused of hax by the one he was arguing with. I was wondering why not just ban both the kids having drama then... Im not trying to get anyones admin taken away, just bringing one unreasonable ban i witnessed to others attention in the hopes that her future bans have more meaning.

Edited by Never trust a hippie
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