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Getting Braces

Lt. Awesome

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You shouldn't have to change your brushing habits at all. When I had braces I didn't need any special equipment or the like.


There isn't really any problems with foods, but avoid very sticky/very sweet foods. Caramel is probably the worst one. It's actually one of the worst foods overall for your teeth, braces or not.


If your parents allow it, you'll probably need mild pain relievers like Ibproufen when you first get your braces, at least for sleeping. The first week or so is when they do the most work, and when you'll feel it the most.

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The braces are essentially cemented to your teeth, so they won't come off very easily. Unless you normally jab your gums with your toothbrush, your normal brushing should be ok.


You might want to brush in a different pattern though, when I got braces, I found the most efffective method was to brush at a downward angle, under the braces, as to make sure they stayed clean.

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I didn't stop eating anything, just ate smaller bites of it. Make sure you brush your gums ALOT, mine got swollen and are now down around my braces, have to brush alot to get em back to where they're supposed to be. Just don't take huge bites, make sure you can chew it without breaking em.

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