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On U.s. Visit, China's President Seeks To Reassure On Trade, Security

Ron Burgundy

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Chinese President Xi Jinping and California Governor Jerry Brown stand near each other in Seattle, WashingtonBy Michael Martina, Alwyn Scott and Eric M. Johnson SEATTLE (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping, facing a skeptical audience on the first day of his week-long visit to the United States, sought to reassure business and government officials over a long list of irritants between the countries, from economic reform to cyber attacks, to human rights and commercial theft. China will not manipulate its currency to boost exports and will never engage in commercial theft, he said, adding it will not discriminate against foreign businesses, will speed its market opening and will make efforts to improve human rights. "If China and the U.S. cooperate well, they can become a bedrock of global stability...," Xi said.

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