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Office Ghosting


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I know alot of people do it but when it can be prevented i think someone should handle it. Now ive been in hazard vent and i know people who are always in there but it isnt hazard whos ghosting its Swat sniper and his brother shadow they play in the rooms next to each other and constantly ghost he wont deny it cause he admits he does sometime i was just wondering if a council could add that same IP black out for people on the same connection. Thanks.

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Dude you fail, you want to stare at a black screen while you're dead? dumbass

Thats how you lose players, and spam a message board with whiners.


"Vandium" making old people cry and knocking ice cream cones out of kids hands since 1876.






# July 1 - Serbia declares war on Turkey.

# July 2 - Montenegro declares war on Turkey.

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It wont happen. Also the spectate your own team is what i came up with. This will prevent a lot of ghosting. Since the people who ghost are just rank whore who don't want to be on different teams. Homer told me that he wont do this because it is a pub.... Lame excuse..


Vandium... That isn't what happens. You will only go to a black screen if you have the same IP as someone and you die. And it goes away as soon as the other person dies too or if the round restarts. So only people who are at the same internet connection will it go black. Understand it Vandium, because the way you said it is that once you die your whole screen will go back and stay black till next round. Which wont happen..

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