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Ohai guise


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I couldn't find the template to use for introduction, so I will just make one up myself o.O


Name: Aaron

Ingame Name(s): Player 3, Play3r

Age: 15 (16 in ~20 days)

Gender: Male of course, everyone knows that females are only myth

Location: Indiana, USA

Games I play: Counter Strike Source, occasionally TF2

Servers I play: Crackhouse and Dust2

Reason for joining: I joined because the servers are great and the people seem cool, so hey, why not join the website too?


Other: I have been playing CSS for quite some time. I'm basically here to get to know some people and work my way up in this community until everyone knows me. Oh, and I am here to steal the #1 rank spot on crackhouse too, its just what I do ;)


*Note: I joined the community like...5 minutes ago, so give me a break if I act like a n00b. Lots of links to click on this site, UI is difficult.

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