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your In-game Name: =TH= §Trance§ (PINGAS Leader)

Server Banned from: Jailbreak

Banning Admin; -hg- Mentally Challenged

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:21515407

Reason for Ban: I don't know, thats the problem. I was playing and when i stated i didn't like mental he banned me. He already did this to another person. I have the Screenshots of the bans. They are without Reason, and he didn't state the ban up on the server so in all reality i believe he is an unfit admin and should be punished.


This is the second time I've had to come and stand for my defense, I understand what happened last time but this is just moronic and unprofessional. Mental shouldn't be allowed to buy Admin again if he loses it. I ask that an Admin contact me over steam so i may speak to them privately about this, I am rather shocked about it all.

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first of all do not be retarded. Do not disrespect anyone / admins. I already warned you. It was a 30 minute ban so :gtfo: .


Edit: you were banned for saying something along these lines.


Mentally and Johnny are both anti social pricks etc....

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okay you were banned by prius for RACISM. Now your disrespecting me and i banned you for 30 minutes and your complaining? :oh:


Edit: go ahead tell them that Jailbreak has logs and they can see you disrespecting me. :)


Edit 2: I did have a reason o_o "disrespect" is what is on source bans.

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Fine, only because I'm going to prove my point. I also don't believe disrespct should be bannable. Thats a one sided and even a very weak reason to ban. I mean if they ban someone because they don't like them then that points it out that they are very rude themselves and cant stand to have themselves treated in a way that isn't amazing.


Look who's disrespecting now, you sure are a good admin.

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