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Someone Teach Me Dotes


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HI Ive been wanting to play dota for a while but kept being so lost whenever i decide to play. I play a lot of league (dont hate me) HoTs and awesomenauts so i know the basics of MOBA's someone please teach me and don't be a dick when i suck. <3





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I can give you guides to watch and learn the basics of dota and when you're ready to play games we can queue together. Jumping right into a game with me would probably result in you being lost and a lot of confusion and teammates being upset :( If you'd like the guides just let me know and I'll find them/post.

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I can give you guides to watch and learn the basics of dota and when you're ready to play games we can queue together. Jumping right into a game with me would probably result in you being lost and a lot of confusion and teammates being upset :( If you'd like the guides just let me know and I'll find them/post.


yes please

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Sorry been at school and work all day. I would suggest watching anything of PurgeGamers as he is very newb friendly in explaining what he does. Another player to watch is Wagamama, he's really good and sometimes explains what he's doing and why he's doing it. If you just watch some pro games you also can get a good feel of how you're supposed to play certain heroes and positions, such as support, carry, mid, ganker, jungler, etc. Hope this helps!

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