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Momo sais: I fails.

Apple Juice

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1. Abuser name: -hg- Momo

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:26902934

3. What sever: Jailbreak

4. About what time: 12:00pm

5. PROOF: http://i35.tinypic.com/295fvao.jpg

6. Didn't happen to me, just saw it. This is what I've got out of the story, I'm sure Kevin will post after I post this one. Here's what I got out of it. I had music going so alls I heard was Momo and Star Fox (Kevin) argueing about orders or some business. Eventually I turn off the music and this is what happens. Momo (ct) is giving orders, Star Fox (T) shoots him in the face and says, "Yeah bitch" or something to that affect. Twenty seconds later Momo bans Star Fox for a day... a day! His reasoning is that he called him a "bitch", "douche bag", and "disrespected him". He also mention how Star Fox was argueing with him about the rules...


Before Momo was admin...he was making up rules in Jailbreak. "I HAZ A DEAGLE FROM GUNPLANT, RULES SAY I CAN KEEPS IT." <-Example

Obviously I don't know the story completely, this is just my side/Kevin's side.


-People say shit in JB, people trash talk in CS."


-Trash talk is trash talk, the most this could get you is a kick? Ten minute ban?


-1 Day ban = outrageous


Rage from getting killed is not grounds for a ban.

Now I'm going to go as far as to assume Momo gave Kevin a good ol warning first. It's not like Kevin called Momo some racist word, or said something horrendously mean. Douche bag and bitch = small trash talk. People call people ***gots all the time without even thinking about it, I've even heard people throw out a few *** comments as well. At one point Momo called a T a dumb ass for doing something wrong and killing him. Momo should ban himself, NAY. Everyone does this shit, all the time.


I'm really sorry for the huge post, I'm not asking for anything. It's up to you guys to decide what happens. :) Personally Momo doesn't bother me at all, I thought I'd just post this.


To sum this all up, I just thought one day was outrageous.

I don't think Momo should lose his admin or anything like that. Maybe a warning about ban length at most. :D He's really not a douche!

Edited by Apple Juice
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frist of this is ****ing stupid he was disrespecting a admin treating me like shit and that is not right i dont care if he said **** you you stupid douch and killed me but just talking shit to me is not right so for that i banned him. its also just a one day most other admins would have done longer .

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frist of this is ****ing stupid he was disrespecting a admin treating me like shit and that is not right i dont care if he said **** you you stupid douch and killed me but just talking shit to me is not right so for that i banned him. its also just a one day most other admins would have done longer .


You need a ban report with proof for any ban over 2 hours.... and a rebel saying "bitch" after they kill a CT is very common in jailbreak and is not disrespecting admin.

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Momo (ct) is giving orders, Star Fox (T) shoots him in the face and says, "Yeah bitch" or something to that affect. Twenty seconds later Momo bans Star Fox for a day... a day!


Sounds like intentional douchery. A day off will chill him out.


It is true you need to post evidence Momo, when banning for longer than 2 hours.

In this case, he can sit the 1 day, and post an unban thread if he wants.



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Agreed with Doobie.


Need a ban report...and 1440 minutes? Very outragous. 1 hour ban at most. but it's jailbreak...don't take things so serious in that server.


I vote this poor fellow get unbanned ASAP. Unless his ban is already up?


You didn't say that when someone was perm banned for calling you names.....

Double standard?

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