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reviewed (Cs:s) Abuse Report ([Hg] Nielsfalko [M])


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Abuse Report

Abuser Name


[HG] NielsFalko [M]

Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID



Where did this occur?



What server? cs_office Deathmatch 24/7

How long ago did this take place?


2016-01-14 07:20 PM [Central Time]

Give us a brief description of the incident.


I was playing cs office, and a moderator by the name Of nielsfalko kicked me without giving me a reason as to why, or that my spray was offensive.


Then once I rejoined thinking it was my internet or something, I got banned for no reason.


Honestly if he's a moderator I think he should have to answer for his actions.

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this is correct i tough it wasent a accepted spray so i went from warn warn kick warn warn ban but it is thats my fault so yes i did ban him on a wrong reason sorry frank but i warnt u multipule times so thats not on my side but u are correct i did somewrong ill make sure too look twice if it is allowed next time.

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