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Groups Want U.s. To Adopt Strong Broadband Privacy Rules

Ron Burgundy

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The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) logo is seen before the FCC Net Neutrality hearing in WashingtonBy David Shepardson WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A coalition of U.S. groups on Wednesday urged the Federal Communications Commission to write sweeping privacy protections for the nation's broadband users. The groups want providers of broadband internet services including mobile and landline phone, cable and satellite TV firms to be subject to tough privacy regulations. Among the firms that would be affected are AT&T Inc, Comcast Corp, Verizon Communications Inc and Cablevision Systems Corp. "As the role of the Internet in the daily lives of consumers increases, this means an increased potential for surveillance," said the letter to FCC chairman Tom Wheeler seen by Reuters and signed by the American Civil Liberties Union, Center for Digital Democracy, Consumer Watchdog Electronic Frontier Foundation, Public Citizen and 54 other groups.

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