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not abuse (Gmod) Abuse Report ([Hg]Face Guy)


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Abuse Report

Abuser Name



[HG]Face guy

Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID




Where did this occur?




What server?




How long ago did this take place?



15 mins before this repor

Give us a brief description of the incident.





Just playing on your server for a game or two before I did my evenings coding, and I got some rather unpleasant abuse from one of your admins. So I'll start from the beginning and hopefully you will see eye to eye with me on this matter.


I joined and the map was zs_trainstation 'A classic ZS map', I went to the bathroom and purchased an aegis board kit. I then further caded up one of the toilet stalls, and with my hammer put some planks around with from my pack of boards.


Its my usual last man stand cade and works a treat when ever I play ZS. Then suddenly I had this admin yelling at me, obviously with all the shouting its hard to make head or tale of what is going on, and within 20 seconds of this I was Slayn. Without warning or even a slap to make it obvious.


This admin claimed when I spoke with one of your admins 'HG ArzoNa' that I was apparently blocking his cade with my boards.


Now if this was the case I'd expect to of had some sort of conversation about this issue.


I could understand this misunderstanding as an honest mistake if he gave a valid reason. But instead he started to hate and spam the chat with hate towards me, along with other players.


About how I was a ZS 'Noob' and what not. Which as an admin youre there to set an example, not act like a 5 year old DarkRP admin.


Its a real shame that this admin of yours acted in such a childish way, what makes it even worse is that I'm a gmod coder for ZS xD


So the fact that as you will know good gmod coders in general are hard to come by, let alone ZS coders, and it seems little sense to hate on me when I could be helping you guys out.


But I digress, I feel the main issue is that he didn't conduct himself in the proper manor and proves that he shouldn't be an Admin.


The only evidence I have for this is a conversation I had with HG ArzoNa after the incident.





Proof Links?



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I can see by your response that you are rather young. The sad truth in this is that you are lying and its quite petty. But there's no evidence to support my words so a forum admin will have to make judgement on this.


Btw don't think just because you pay and contribute to something that it makes you immune to the rules everyone else abides by. Another reason why I can see you're most likely under the age of 18 ;V

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