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Unban Pa!rick (Mistake ban)


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Please unban Patrick. He was apple juice and someone was posing as him he wanted them to be banned. He changed his name to patrick but the admin menu had both names, his old and new one, so I thought the old one was the poser, but it was him.

His steam id is STEAM_0:1:24461932

Unban please.

Jailbreak server.

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STEAM_0:1:24461932 My steam ID.

Patrick and I were fooling around with names. He put a space and copied my name as apple juice. Then he changed his name back and I changed mine to patrick with a space. We were having shits and giggles and then I got bant.

I honestly don't care to much, 30 mins boo hoo. :D It's no big deal, need to study some more for mid terms anywho!

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