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Mayors And The Improvement Of The General Economy


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Recently, I have been experiencing Mayors who do not spend the time to actually take part int he general economy of the server. I will break down some general improvements and strategies for future mayors and people who plan on governing the general population in the game.




Mayors do not take in the fact how crime effects the jobs the government officials. When the crime rate is extremely high, cops and ambulances experience vast amounts of stress.


-Say there is currently 50 people in the server.

-20% is government officials.


When there is 10 government officials, crime could spike drastically. With there being such a high play time to even be a police officer, the population can experience an incentive to drug deal and raid others for a quick buck. Leveling out the general population for an equilibrium of crime to economic progress is something that should be managed at all costs. When there is too many government officials, there comes an incentive to gain income for no work at all. Without crime, there is no reason for the large amounts of cops and other emergency personnel. More times than not, I find the server crammed with fire trucks and ambulances parked everywhere when absolutely nothing is going on. OOC character breaks every second because no one else has anything to focus on except complain about minor farces between other players. Pushing the quota of balance between citizens and officials should be the main section of the mayor's agenda.




The economy is completely stagnant. Business buildings hardly get used at all, and pushing the production of weapons, furniture, and other crafted items could help with RP and even the general enjoyment. When someone begins their first embarkment into PERP, they are greeted with drug dealing. If items such as food and craftibility mixtures were pushed harder, than maybe there would be an increase in a player base and money flow. Experimenting with production of goods in a private owned property, would be a giant incentive to push the economic prosperity of one's income. Giving the player to decide upon produced good's price would be amazing to see in the future. Having the mayor commend and praise players for stepping out and making a mark out of the norm would be exciting to see.



Thank you for taking the time to look over my general suggestions. Feel free to expand upon experiences and concerns.




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No, perp is fine how it is. All your suggestions go against the perp culture that is in hg and quite frankly make no sense. Adding more cops only bust people committing crimes in public which is negligible. Mayor is just a figurehead.

Your second point of making more crafting so people will sell more? Yea no. That's not going to change the number of people selling items in shops. Shops will never be as profitable as growing drugs, they're mostly done for fun.

Having the mayor commend and praise players for stepping out and making a mark out of the norm would be exciting to see.





This is a LITE rp please try to loosen up

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