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Thank You To Hg And Admins


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The first time I ever played a game online using my voice, it was 2001 and I was only 11 years old.


I downloaded Teamspeak to play with my Starseige: Tribes clan.


Upon speaking into the mic for the first time, the response I got was "are you a n****r?... we got fuckin a n****r kid here" and then the whole channel started calling me a n****r, other racial slurs and racist comments, and just being really fucked up to me until I disconnected.


It was my first time experiencing racism and it was really heartbreaking. I grew up in a very violent gang-ridden ghetto, so video games were my escape from that. I always wanted to be able to play with other people because I was an only child. But not being able to play games with people without getting harassed all the time really was really disappointing as a kid.


Eventually I learned to use my "white voice" to avoid harassment, but racism was always rampant in online gaming communities.


As I got older, the racism became more personal, as I had dealt with it more and more in real life, especially when I became an adult.


After awhile, it was no longer just pixels on the screen, or just a sound in my speaker. It reflected real experiences the I had with racist people in the real world.


I know I I shouldn't take it personal, but I do.




So why am I telling you this story?


Because I want to thank HG and the admins for enforcing a no-racism policy on your jailbreak servers. While I may have gotten myself banned a few times trolling and clowning around since I first connected in 2009, I always highly appreciated that you enforced this rule. I know a lot of people like to talk down on people for wanting a "safe space", but it's really relieving to be able to connect to the game and just have fun playing with friends without having to deal with people's racist bullshit every single time.


I play games to get away from the troubles of the world, not to deal with more of them.


This rule has made my years of playing on your servers a lot more enjoyable, and I've made quite a few friends of many different cultures thanks to the community you guys created.



Thank you, HellsGamers.




Chief Smoking Tree


Gordon Freeman


President Barack Obama


many other names

Edited by poopyfarts
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When I first got Staff, one of my long-term goals was to create a safe environment for everyone regardless of their race, sexual orientation, etc. I'm glad that you're able to bring this up, and it's something we've always supported in the first place.


Thank you for the kind feedback, and me personally, we can make this community more fun and safer for everyone.

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  • 1 month later...

Sup man. I'm also black but the trick to dealing with racism online is to be witty as fuck and be able to destroy the racist trolls with anti-troll repellent. I have a very "white" voice but I grew up in Jacksonville, Florida in a predominantly white area. But I still talk like a n***a with a mix of "white". But anyway that's beside the point. I agree that this staff really works hard to keep the community clean and serene and away from volatile discrimination like that. I've been playing here since I was about 12 in the CSS days and would get pretty upset when I saw someone being a dickhead and saying unnecessary things and remember always getting the last laugh when they were kicked from server.

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