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Possible Puppy


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I'm thinking about getting a dog/puppy. Problem: I haz asthma and am allergic to pet dander. The dog would have to live inside. Any suggestions on dogs that I'd be able to tolerate? Anyone with the same situation or know someone w/ the same situation? I mean I have my allegra and asthma medicines but idk...my eyes start running every time I'm sitting in my friend's living room cuz his carpet is from his house back home and its covered in dog hair.

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Guest c:LutCh

Get A Royal Poodle Its Nice When It Dosent Have A Poddle Cut And Anti-Allergy Dog..


Its Really Nice:love:à





( Yes Thats Me And My Dog = Chelsie )


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Helmin sounds like a huge bundle of bitch...

Search the net for hypoallergenic dogs, it was a big thing when Obama talked about it.


His dog is ugly though. imo.


Get a chiuahua* They are cool dogs.


You would bring politics into a puppy picking thread. You have no heart.


Also, I was meaning to diverge from the google answers for hypoallergenic. I was asking more about ppl who have allergies and can tolerate x breed.



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a yorkshire terrier is a dog that has almost "human like" hair.


my fiance's step dad has REALLY bad allergies and this dog does not bother him at all.



When I go to my mom's and play with my dog *boxer* and then go to their house.. he starts sneezing and freaking out. lol

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You would bring politics into a puppy picking thread. You have no heart.


Also, I was meaning to diverge from the google answers for hypoallergenic. I was asking more about ppl who have allergies and can tolerate x breed.




Funny enough, I didn't mean it like that. lol

What I was implying was it became so popular, there would be lots of threads/sites on this topic.

And I mentioned the chihuahua because my sister has 2, and they are cool and seem smaller than your particle receptors. :D


I have more heart than my heart even thinks. ;)

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