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Make Perp Great Again


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&&&&Well boys, it's me the head of the Wells Dynasty, an organization that seems to have made its name in infamy for incidentally breaking server rules :devil: and generally being dicks. Yes, we have read the rules several times over actually and yet still manage to break them on occasion due to different interpretations, etc. But let me bring you back for a bit. Back to 6 years ago when my friends and I began playing PERP for the first time on the actual Pulsar Effect server. Things were very different back then; there were a lot less rules. But that is what PERP always was and will be to us, a roleplay game in a seemingly lawless land.


&&&&Now it wasn't completely lawless, and let me tell you why. The cops and detectives actually had a job: to protect the citizens. How many times have you been playing cop on this server and have had absolutely nothing to do? And so what happens? You drive around wishing for someone to rob the bank and giving useless traffic tickets because there is literally nothing to do 90% of the time. A house alarm goes off and boom all hands on deck, you've been waiting for just a taste of action. One minute later you either win the fight and return to your post for god knows how long or worse yet die and have to sit for 180 seconds contemplating why you ever decided to play cop in the first place.


&&&&There used to be mugging allowed. Now of course that was a blessing and a curse and especially punishing for new players, but still an integral part of the game back then. The reasons why it was banned is obvious but hear me out. Mugging not only gave the police more to do (actually patrol the area and keep your eyes open for suspected crime) but also was a reason to make allies. I remember making, or at least trying to make friends with everyone I would meet, just so one day if our paths crossed when say my car runs out of gas in the middle of the country, he wouldn't want to mug me, but help me out. At this time, it seems like the reasons to make friends are limited and there is no reason to be vigilant at all times. Back then, only experienced players, armed for defense, were prepared to move out of the apartments and into the suburbs/country, away from the police hub of the city.


&&&&You used to be able to grow drugs in unowned places. Banning this is extremely punishing to new players. I'm serious any time someone new connects you go to the bank, see the place they bought and raid them every 30 minutes on the 30 minutes. It's literally taking candy from a baby, they are going to have drugs, because how else do you get started in this game, and they are going to be unarmed because they have to invest all the money they have into drugs. We literally sent out an advert every time before raiding this new guy and every time he had drugs and only the fourth time he had a pistol of all things. People used to find little spots to hide on the map and grow drugs there and it gave the police more to do, looking for them, and the organizations something to, actually LOOKING for people instead of just going to the bank, seeing what is owned, and raiding it.


&&&&We used to actually roleplay. Yes, I understand that this is a lite RP server, and I am fine with rules that are lax on roleplay. But here's an example of something interesting that would happen back then that would never happen today. We would point a gun at a firefighter and make him get in the car and come with us to our base. As he is roleplaying, he abides. We force him to watch our meth and put out any fires. He would do that but then call the cops without telling us and then we would have that to deal with. The cops would roleplay a bit, the firefighter would run to them, I mean a full blown hostage situation would unfold. Nowadays, we would point the gun, say come to us, he would walk away, we'd shoot him and proceed get reported for RDMing. See the difference?


&&&&And there was so much more beyond these things. Dirty cops, car bombs (I mean why even buy a car bomb anymore save for making a door breacher), baiting cops; it was all ALLOWED but ILLEGAL. Things like RDMing without any roleplaying first and running people over on purpose were obviously some unfortunate side effects and I'd see why you'd want to make rules against that, but where does it stop? Where does the game stop being PERP, the game my friends and I loved and wanted to relive? Because I will tell you what this is not the PERP we remember. This is a watered down version that is limited to base raiding and bank robbing. I am enjoying my time on the server, because it has a hint of what once was but seriously this isn't PERP, it's a new game on the same map. The direction you guys have decided to take this, I mean it's so limited in what you can do. It's not like a real life wild west anymore, LAWS have become RULES and I think that makes this game a shadow of what it once was.


&&&&My friends and I are not the only ones who think this. We met a guy on the server the other day who also had played 6 years ago. He was growing things in an unowned land and we explained to him how the game had changed, he couldn't do that anymore, among other things. He quit that night and we haven't seen him since. I am rambling on like an old Warcraft fan ranting to Blizzard about vanilla servers, but I just had to formulate what I had to say and put it out there in hopes that the admins take it into consideration.

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Examples of rules we have broken and why they don't work:

  1. No helping someone rob the bank or get away from robbing the bank. This is nothing like real life. Who is going to rob a bank without a getaway driver in the very least? No one even wants to rob the bank when there is so much as one cop on because they know they will die for it 99% of the time. One of you vs one or more of them with armor and a good pistol. Nope. Tell me to git gud please.
  2. You cannot kill a cop or anyone for that matter unless you are raiding or robbing a bank. This makes RPing entirely useless and people go out of character on the mic all the time because there's nothing else to say. The game has turned into glorified base wars, and that is fine, but that is not PERP.
  3. You cannot kill someone after they kill the mayor because "they won." I mean wtf do I even have to explain this? My friend was playing a cop and was froze and killed by an admin for killing the guy who assassinated the mayor, because "he won and you can't do that." So if in real life the president is shot and killed will the secret service shrug their shoulders and say "damn they won guess we can't do anything now" or are they gonna take the guy out?
  4. You cannot sit on someone's property after successfully raiding them. I was raiding a guy's place and lockpicked every door. He wasn't there so I figured why not wait and see what happens here, see if he comes back try to sneak up on him. He got back, I killed him, and got froze and killed by an admin. Apparently lockpicking all doors and getting into his place is the mark of an "unsuccessful raid" and I should've left after 5 minutes. This is PERP I shouldn't be punished for killing someone that didn't have a door alarm, wasn't home, that I broke into his house successfully, where are the cops that should be arresting me not the admins that are killing me? But like I said this isn't PERP, this isn't roleplay, this is glorified base wars with RULES instead of LAWS.

Rules are required for a server to run. Rules like don't be racist, don't hack, I mean that's what keeps a server going and a healthy environment for all players. But rules and laws are quite different and now because of this PERP is so limited and nothing like real life where if you break a law, you get arrested, not killed by a no-clipping admin.

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Examples of rules we have broken and why they don't work:

  1. No helping someone rob the bank or get away from robbing the bank. This is nothing like real life. Who is going to rob a bank without a getaway driver in the very least? No one even wants to rob the bank when there is so much as one cop on because they know they will die for it 99% of the time. One of you vs one or more of them with armor and a good pistol. Nope. Tell me to git gud please.
  2. You cannot kill a cop or anyone for that matter unless you are raiding or robbing a bank. This makes RPing entirely useless and people go out of character on the mic all the time because there's nothing else to say. The game has turned into glorified base wars, and that is fine, but that is not PERP.
  3. You cannot kill someone after they kill the mayor because "they won." I mean wtf do I even have to explain this? My friend was playing a cop and was froze and killed by an admin for killing the guy who assassinated the mayor, because "he won and you can't do that." So if in real life the president is shot and killed will the secret service shrug their shoulders and say "damn they won guess we can't do anything now" or are they gonna take the guy out?
  4. You cannot sit on someone's property after successfully raiding them. I was raiding a guy's place and lockpicked every door. He wasn't there so I figured why not wait and see what happens here, see if he comes back try to sneak up on him. He got back, I killed him, and got froze and killed by an admin. Apparently lockpicking all doors and getting into his place is the mark of an "unsuccessful raid" and I should've left after 5 minutes. This is PERP I shouldn't be punished for killing someone that didn't have a door alarm, wasn't home, that I broke into his house successfully, where are the cops that should be arresting me not the admins that are killing me? But like I said this isn't PERP, this isn't roleplay, this is glorified base wars with RULES instead of LAWS.

Rules are required for a server to run. Rules like don't be racist, don't hack, I mean that's what keeps a server going and a healthy environment for all players. But rules and laws are quite different and now because of this PERP is so limited and nothing like real life where if you break a law, you get arrested, not killed by a no-clipping admin.


I have a feeling this only comes from one sole perspective of what happened to cause these grievances, and thus paint a more bias feeling towards the rules. Realistically speaking you should be thinking more critically of the general situation, rather than seeing it from the one perspective.


I will say that all rules exist for a reason.


1. If multiple people were to rob the bank then the robbing mechanic would have to be vastly expanded to do so, including ALL parties that were raiding the bank into one temporary group that would all be warranted, and all would have to have a slice of the pie that is the cash from robbing the bank. The Evocity bank naturally prefers the defender (a lot more windows to shoot out from and hard cover that cannot be penetrated) and there are frequently times where 2 cops vs 1 robber results in the robber winning outright.


Even with armour, cops still tend to lose.


2. I doubt anyone other than a complete and utter psychopath would want to randomly kill cops. It just doesn't happen enough for us to warrant it to happen in RP terms. We're lax about the eligibility to kill cops, but we're going to draw the line here on this one.


3. They actually tend to, since the SS would be the first to be shot, since by code they quite literally have to throw their lives first before the President if it comes down to it.


4. This is PERP. You can and you will be punished for over-staying your raided welcome. In a real life scenario, you wouldn't HAVE time to sit on someone elses drugs and wait for them to "finish" since the cops would be battening down the hatched long before you could say "let me raid in fucking peace".

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