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Unban Requested.


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1. Your In Game Name. UTDallas | Prophyalxis ^^;

2. server banned on. 24/7 D2 DM No block

3. Your Steam I.D. Steam_0:0:4588516

4. Reason for Ban: None was given or listed. Time was Approximately 6:00 pm U.S. Central Time. Time of ban my current action was using a T - auto spamming through double doors and picking at T spawn through mid. Don't know why I was banned, no one said anything, there was not a voteban present. Hg members / clan members present i did not take notice at, Ive played with Noc2RNalxcru before.



-UTDallas | Prophy





Banning member ID is 100Fryar


and secondly i dont wallhack. Want a demo? well, i would but i can't since im banned. Wallhacking is a great justification for a ban, but that I do NOT do.

For those who have played with me before know that the only thing i do is pick middle doors from both T and Ct side.


Thanks for your time.

Edited by Artillery
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There is no ban report on the forum right now

the admin that banned you has 24 hours to make it

if he doesnt make it, after 1 day you will be unbanned.


And If he makes the report, Staff will look at it and decide

if you stay perm banned or if you get unbanned.


Thank you for being mature about it & following the template.

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