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my name in game is EPIKFALE (rainbow leader)


i was banned on the Hg jailbreaK server


my steam id iS STEAM_0:0:26267120


i believe it may have been armory camping, but tHE terrosrist went into the armory 30 seconds after the round started, and i was still trying to pick up an awp, and i had a "LAG" issue at the beginning of the round, where the game would freeze up at the end. shortly after i killed tHE t, i was banned, but without tHE admin telling me why. this happened i think around 15 minutes ago, bUt i am unsure on the axact time, as i dont have a clock in my room. i even apologized when he said i armory camped, and tried to explain through text, but i was still banned, and apparently from all other servers, becauSe i cant join multigames either, and that is by far my favorite server, next to jailbreak

Edited by Artillery
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