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ban report: DJaY^lol : ) STEAM_0:1:5837356


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There's no way that's cheating. In the first minute he throws a smoke and a flashbang as a guy is peeking the corner, he luckily escapes.


Near the end of the demo when they're camping projector room he literally turns his back to a CT that's running through paper so he can look at T spawn. The guy has a horrible shot and misses him while he 180s and kills him.


If you think he should be banned you've gotta show me some tick rates in which he's cheating or submit another demo.

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shortly after tick 29000 he starts to go back to the entrance into projector from T spawn and if you watch with draw models on he jumps to the guys head before his body peaks and starts shooting


there are a few other moments that made it seem like he was walling and just had a bad shot or just doesnt fully understand his hacks, i recall someone necroposting a ban request for (was either you or vandium cant rember who lol) where his video was actually him with his wallhacks on and everything was WAY to confusing to follow. check out that tick though and let me know what you think, that was what made me finally ban him.

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well weeman i did see what you mean that he was in projector and he kinda side-jumps to shoot the CT coming into the terror spawn side door of projector... but people do that all the time around any miscellaneous door or corner, just in case there is a bad guy on the other side.


i just don't think this guy is showing any conclusive signs of a wallhack in this particular demo

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